20 Feathered Reasons Costa Rica Should Be Your Next Travel Destination

20 Feathered Reasons Costa Rica Should Be Your Next Travel Destination

Costa Rica is home to 20 beautiful birds that will catch your eye with their bright colors and sweet songs. This peaceful place is great for anyone who loves watching birds and enjoying nature.

Jabiru Stork

A large white feathered bird with red neck and black head is running in a sand with wings up high
Jabiru Storck – Photo credit: Canva Pro.

While not as well known as the parrots or brightly colored birds of the list the Jabiru stork is one worth seeing. Standing nearly 4 feet tall with a black featherless head the Jibaru is an unmistakable bird. These birds are well known for building nests up to 6 feet in diameter. Sadly it is estimated there are less than 100 individuals in costa Rica, seeing one should be cherished. With hard work and conservation, we can all hope their numbers rebound.

Scarlett Macaw

Red macaw bird with yellow and blue wings
Scarlet Macaw – Photo credit: Canva Pro.

Nesting and living in colonies of 300 or more, the scarlet macaw makes for incredible bird watching. These highly social parrots are evenly distributed through the central region. Species conservation work has extended its range into the Caribbean and northern regions too.

Resplendent Quetzal

Green white and red feathered bird is sitting on a branch
Resplendent Quetzal – Photo credit: Canva Pro.

Without a doubt, the quetzal is the bird to come to Costa Rica for. With their iridescent green plumage and tail feathers growing to 30 inches, these photogenic birds are found mainly in the cloud forests of the country.

Lesson’s Motmot

Orange and turquoise colored bird is sitting on a branch
Lesson’s Motmot – Photo credit: Canva Pro.

One of the larger motmots of this species was once called the blue-crowned motmot for its electric blue ring on its crest. These birds prefer to sit still so spotting them can be difficult; however, they are frequent visitors to gardens for easy meals of fruit and insects.

Keel-billed Toucan

A yellow black toucan bird with neon green and orange beak is sitting on a branch
Keel-billed Toucan – Photo credit: Canva Pro.

The Keel-billed toucan needs no introduction. With its brightly colored bill, this toucan is always worth looking for. Keel-billed toucans are fairly common existing across the country in jungles and inhabited areas.

Black­crested Coquette

Green orange colored bird is standing in a flower
Black­crested Coquette – Photo credit: Canva Pro.

At just 3 inches the coquette is a small hummingbird with a smaller distribution. Located only in the northern Caribbean foothills this hummingbird sports a crest that makes them unmistakable.

Green Violet-ear Hummingbird

Hummingbird in different shades of blue and green is standing on a leaf
Green Violet-ear Hummingbird – Photo credit: Canva Pro.

These small hummingbirds have been described as flying jewels. With their iridescent green plumage, these hummingbirds make the reward of photographing them well worth the challenge. Violet ears are common in the middle and higher elevations where flowering plants are found. They will also swarm feeders making them common porch guests.

Orange­bellied Trogon

Blue green orange and white feathered bird is sitting on a branch
Orange­bellied Trogon – Photo credit: Canva Pro.

One of the species of trogon you will encounter in Costa Rica the orange-bellied sports an emerald head and back with the easy to distinguish orange belly, hence the name. the orange belly is common in wet mountain forests of the northern part of the country.

White­-Throated Magpie-Jays

White blue bird on a branch
White­-Throated Magpie-Jays – Photo credit: Canva Pro.

These large jays are a common sight in the more arid Pacific region of Costa Rica. Traveling in flocks these blue-backed birds are identifiable by their white throat and breast patch and long steel-blue tail feathers. Males feature more striking coloration with longer tail feathers and a crest of usually black feathers.

Broad-billed Motmot

Orange green bird is standing on a branch
Broad-billed Motmot – Photo credit: Canva Pro.

Unlike the Lesson’s Motmot, the broadbill features much more natural colors. With a cinnamon head and black eye band, this bird appears almost stumpy from its thicker beak or bill, giving the impression of a larger head. Almost like it’s trying to draw attention away, the broadbill has a gorgeous teal-colored tail that ends in a spade shape. These birds are often found in the lower elevations of the Caribbean coast.

Blue­gray Tanager

Bird in different shades of blue is standing on a branch
Blue­gray Tanager – Photo credit: Canva Pro.

The most common of the tanagers seen throughout the country. Depending on conditions these birds can look pale gray or almost pure blue. With this shifting color, no two pictures are ever alike.

Snowcap Hummingbird

Brown bird with white feathers on the top of its head is sitting on a branch
Snowcap Hummingbird – Photo credit: Canva Pro.

One of 50 species of Costa Rican hummingbirds, the snowcap gets its name from its white head. This short-billed hummingbird is a favorite for birders and can be found near flowering plants on the forest edge.

Roseate Spoonbill

Pink and white feathered bird with long spoon-like beak is standing in a water
Roseate Spoonbill – Photo credit: Canva Pro.

At first glance, the spoonbill could be mistaken for a flamingo. These wading birds turn pink in adulthood from a diet high in carotene from the shellfish they eat. Spoonbills can be found along most of the shallow coastal waterways and mangroves of Costa Rica.

Fiery-billed Aracari

Yellow red black colored bird with long beak is standing on a branch
Fiery-billed Aracari – Photo credit: Canva Pro.

The aracari is a breathtaking toucan with an orange-red bill and jet-black head. While not as common as the other toucans this smaller relative travels in highly social flocks so where there’s one there’s more.

Bare-necked Umbrellabird

Black bird is standing on a branch
Bare-necked Umbrellabird – Photo credit: Canva Pro.

A rare sight even in the verdant northern region the umbrella bird is unmistakable from any other. Jet black this crow-sized bird sports a large pompadour style crest and a red throat sack that the males inflate during displays of courtship.

Crested Caracara

Brown bird with white neck and yellow feathers around the eyes
Crested Caracara – Photo credit: Canva Pro.

This addition to the list may seem out of place but for the birder who is looking for a raptor (not the dinosaur, the bird of prey) built for a purpose they should look no further than the caracara. This large member of the falcon family prefers to forage for carrion but will use its long legs to snatch reptiles too. Keep an eye on the sky while in open fields and marshland for a gliding caracara.

Green Macaw

Green feathered macaw is standing on a wood
Green Macaw – Photo credit: Canva Pro.

Green macaw is the largest in the macaw family. These fast-flying parrots are a wonder to photograph in flight. Commonly seen in the Caribbean lowlands, these big birds can often be heard before they are seen.

Speckled Tanagers

Bird with different shades of green is standing on a branch
Speckled Tanagers – Photo credit: Canva Pro.

Featuring a mix of blue and yellow the speckled tanager is an easily identifiable bird. They tend to flock with other species found in the wet foothills of Costa Rica. They are both easy to find and easy to spot.

Turquoise Cotinga

turquoise bird on a branch
Turquoise Cotinga – Photo credit: Canva Pro.

These birds are bright blue with males sporting a purple patch on their chest and throat, females are pale with black speckling in their breasts. Sightings of the turquoise continua are uncommon to its and limited habitat of the forested lowlands. looking for fruit trees is the easiest way to locate them.

Clay-colored Thrush

Small brown bird is standing on a branch
Clay-colored Thrush – Photo credit: Canva Pro.

It would be unacceptable on a list of birds of costa Rica to not include the national bird of Costa Rica. Found throughout the county and close to people this dusky-colored thrush was made the national symbol in 1977. The males begin their mating calls at the same time as the rainy season; sign farmers have long taken as good luck.


Bird in different shades of blue is standing in water
Sunbittern – Photo credit: Canva Pro.

These small wading birds can be found near the shallows of most waterways. From the profile, the sunbittern’s plumage is rather bland but when they spread their wings they reveal a pattern of oranges and reds that are bested only by the butterflies.

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A beach shaped as a whale tail covered partly by sand and partly by rainforest
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Emese Maczko is a travel blogger behind Eco Lodges Anywhere. Having explored several destinations around Europe, the US, Indonesia, and Australia, and resided in Germany, the United Kingdom, and Luxembourg, Emese possesses a keen understanding of diverse cultures and an appreciation for the beauty of each destination she visits. She advocates for sustainable travel and ecotourism.